It’s steamy and hot here in Texas! No matter where you live, I want to give you some help on beating the heat with wild and wacky water ideas to use for another fun-filled theme week with the kids. If you have been following our theme weeks then you know that I am offering ideas focusing on one theme idea per week with your kids. I give the ABCD tips for making it a memorable week (A –activities, B – books, C – crafts, D – devotional). Let’s jump right into Wacky Water Week, as I’m sure it will be a big splash for the kids.
Activities: Play in yard sprinklers, go to local pool or lake or beach, fountain hop (more and more cities are offering fountains that kids can play in - search online for several near you), visit a water park, go to a local aquarium, get new pool floats for your own pool, water gun or spray bottle play.
Books: Make Way for Ducklings, Time of Wonder both by Robert McCloskey. I Wish I had Duck Feet, One Fish Two Fish…both by Dr. Seuss, The Very Funny Frog, by Jack Tickle, Corduroy Goes to the Beach by Freeman, McCue. Ocean World by Discovery Kids.
Crafts: Paint Plastic Water glasses. Create water color paintings of the ocean. Make music with jars filled with different levels of water, use food coloring to color the water and watch it dissipate. Add oil to a jar of colored water, place secure lid on top and shake to show separation of water and oil. Play Sink or Float with items around the house. Try to guess what will sink and what will float.
Day one: God Created the bodies of Water, Genesis 1:6-23
Day two: Parting of the Red Sea, Exodus 13 & 14
Day three: Elijah and the floating axhead, II Kings 6:1-7
Day four: Jesus calms the wind and the sea, Matthew 8:23 – 27
Day five: Jesus offers Living Water, John 4:1-26
Be sure to read my Thrive Blog
about being ready for Christ’s return. You’ll appreciate Rev 22:17 which says, “ 17The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”
Day one: God Created the bodies of Water, Genesis 1:6-23
Day two: Parting of the Red Sea, Exodus 13 & 14
Day three: Elijah and the floating axhead, II Kings 6:1-7
Day four: Jesus calms the wind and the sea, Matthew 8:23 – 27
Day five: Jesus offers Living Water, John 4:1-26
Be sure to read my Thrive Blog
about being ready for Christ’s return. You’ll appreciate Rev 22:17 which says, “ 17The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”
Have a great week! Next week is Prince and Princess week.