Monday, December 31, 2007

Goals are great in 2008

Every year on New Year’s day I set aside a little quiet time to reflect on the coming year. Prayerfully I set goals in four major areas of my life; spiritual, physical, mental, and social. When I was a child, my dad encouraged us to write out our goals every year. This became a habit in my life - a very good one. It helps me regroup, think ahead and make positive plans for the future. Okay, so I don’t keep up with every one of my goals, but it sets me off on the right foot as I begin the year.
Goals need to be conceivable and believable (dad taught us that too). No pie in the sky stuff, but realistic expectations of what you want to strive for in the coming year. Our goals should not be dependant on other people’s actions. These are personal goals. For instance, instead of setting a goal that you will have little Susie potty trained by May, make it your goal to implement a daily potty training plan for the Spring, the result is up to Susie. Another goal for yourself may be to read one book per month (or per quarter, well maybe per year depending on how busy your life is right now – remember be realistic). A spiritual goal may be to read the Bible everyday and spend time in prayer daily keeping a prayer journal. A social goal may be to join a mom’s group like MOPS or Hearts for Home or plan to meet one friend for lunch each week. Physical goals (sorry, I hate to think about this especially after the holidays) may include a desired weight or a weekly work out routine.
This year I’m trying something new. I’m going to review my goals at the beginning of each week, just to remind myself what I set out to accomplish and revisit how I am doing. It is a good idea to not only review your goals, but also have an accountability partner to encourage you through out the year. It may be your spouse or a good friend, but find someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your goals and asking for support. Finally, our most important goal is to honor God with our lives and draw close to him. Micah 6:8 gives us a tremendous spiritual goal for the year. It says, “The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Let’s make the year great in 2008, as we walk humbly with our God!

Family fun: Call a family meeting and talk about goals. Encourage each child to set goals in the four main areas of their life: spiritual, physical, social and mental. Provide a place for the kids to record their goals, whether it is a journal or a poster board or colorful paper. Type out Philippians 3:13, 14 and give to each of your family members to put with their goals. Pray together as a family for God’s blessing on the New Year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After

Well friends, it is the day after Christmas and all through the house not a creature is stirring (except my husband who already left for work). The quiet is nice. We’ve enjoyed a wonderful time with family and friends for the last few days, and I’m so grateful for the joyful fellowship not to mention the delicious food. One discussion I particularly enjoyed occurred Christmas morning at my dad’s house. First let me tell you about my dad, Garry Kinder. He is a godly leader, full of integrity. By trade he trains, coaches and motivates managers and agents in the insurance industry. He leads by example and teaches with words of wisdom. On Christmas morning before opening presents we sat around his living room and he shared with us several powerful principles for life. In a nutshell here they are:

Be yourself, but be your best self
Forgive Self
Forgive Others
Set Goals
Compete but don’t compare
Christians are not called to respond to the critic; Christians are called to respond to God

Honestly, dad’s words were the greatest Christmas present any of us could have received, for they weren’t temporary little trinkets, they were words for life. I hope you will find them helpful to you and your family as well. Let me encourage you to take time between Christmas and New Years to relax and reflect on who God is and the powerful difference He makes in your life. Be still and know He is God as you enjoy this time of renewal. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and I look forward to visiting again as we move toward the New Year.

Family Fun: Encourage your family to take some time to relax and reflect during this week. Share several of the life principles mentioned above with your family. I would add the importance of gratitude, and encourage your family to write thank you notes to the people who gave them gifts. As a family you may want to decorate cards and create personalized thank you notes. Start the habit early to encourage your family to write their words of gratitude for the gifts they received. Even a small simple note is meaningful and starts a good habit at an early age. I set out large white envelopes on the kitchen counter after Christmas, each addressed to those who gave us gifts. I encourage the kids to write their thank you notes and insert them into the large white envelopes, and I try to have them in the mail before the new year begins.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Perfect Gifts

Have you bought all your gifts yet? Most likely you are tired of people asking you that question. Our answers may range from a boastful “yes!” to a humble “I haven’t even started” or somewhere inbetween. When I think about finding the “perfect” gifts for my family and friends, my mind glazes over in a fog, but I want to present to you three perfect gifts we can give this year. They may not reduce your Christmas list, but they will create eternal blessings for you and your family and friends. All three of the following gifts create an overflowing joy in our lives and in the lives of others.

Compassion. In Matthew 25:40 we read, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” We give to the Lord when we reach out and give to others. Opportunities abound during the holidays whether it is volunteering at a hospital, donating gifts or serving in food lines. I want to encourage you to pray for God to lead you to the place you and your family can serve. Don’t let it be just a Christmas season participation. Carry this opportunity of service throughout the year, reaching out to others and loving and serving in His name.
Forgiveness. Is there someone you need to forgive? Are you holding onto bitterness and anger? This Christmas, release it and give the gift of forgiveness. Forgiveness means you are giving up the right to hold something over another person. It does not mean you are saying it is okay to do what you did to me again. When you give the gift of forgiveness you are actually giving yourself the gift of freedom for you will no longer be entrapped by your resentment. Seek God’s help (forgiveness is not always easy), but decide today you are going to forgive. Ephesians 4:32 reminds us, “Forgive each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.”
Thanks. Great joy erupts from a thankful heart. Psalms 136:26 tells us, “Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Let’s be women who give thanks to God continually. Our family, friends and co-workers will be blessed by being around a person who is grateful. The opposite of being a grateful person is a grumbler and we know people are not blessed by a grumbler! So let’s make an intentional choice to give thanks to the Lord for His love and kindness, counting our blessings each day.

Yes, this season is all about giving. Certainly the “perfect gift” is not something we give to others, rather it is what God gave to us by sending His only Son to die on the cross for us. God gave the ultimate gift, which motivates us to give to others. Happy Giving!

Family Fun: Together as a family, wrap three empty boxes with plain wrapping paper. Label the boxes: Compassion, Forgiveness, Thanks. Place them under the tree and talk about the fact that these are three gifts we can give to Jesus this holiday season and all year long.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Christmas Hustle

Are you doing the Christmas Hustle?
You know the steps:
buying and wrapping presents,
baking favorite recipes,
visiting with friends and family,
writing and addressing Christmas cards
and going to festive parties and programs.
Let me assure you, you are not alone.
As moms, we all know the steps to the Christmas hustle quite well.
The question is, are we enjoying the dance or are we simply going through the motions? My friends, there can be joy in the dance! When we turn our eyes toward Christ and step into a relationship with Him, the dance has meaning. We begin to see the activities of Christmas in a new light and recognize a greater purpose…the purpose of celebrating God’s love for us demonstrated through his Son Jesus. Let’s keep our eyes on the bigger picture of the celebration of God’s wonderful redemption for the world. As we allow these thoughts to lead us in the dance of Christmas we experience a great joy and an underlying peace. Perspective is everything, and having an eternal perspective prevents us from stumbling over little frustrations and meaningless endeavors. Join me in devoting each day of this season to Him and asking for His love, joy and peace to fill our hearts. II Peter 1:3 says, “As we know Jesus better, His divine power gives us everything we need for living a Godly life.” Amen!

Family Fun: Make crowns using poster board. Allow the kids to color and decorate with sequins, stickers and gems. Tell the kids the Christmas story as seen through the eyes of one of the wise men who came to visit Jesus in Luke 2. If you have older kids, allow them to tell the story. Praise God together for being King of King and Lord of Lords.

Family Conversation Starter: What gives you joy or makes you happy at Christmas time? What makes you angry or sad?

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Real Holiday To Do List

Recently I bought a decorative tile from our local Hallmark store with “The (real) To Do List” printed on it. I keep it by on my desk as a constant reminder of my priorities. Here’s what it says:
Smile at strangers.
Keep learning.
Notice kindness.
Eat ice cream.
Count your blessings.
Love some more.

Isn’t that great? Isn’t this list what we ought to include in our lives every day? Well maybe not the ice cream, oh and singing for some of us maybe shouldn’t be included. But you get the idea don’t you? As the Holiday season is in full swing, I need to check and recheck the Real To Do List, before I scurry around doing all things I think must be done on my daily list. For my own personal To Do list I add one more line item: Abide in Christ. As I continually turn my eyes toward Him and walk in His love, He gives me strength, wisdom and a sincere love for others. So as we hustle through our To Do lists this month, let’s remember Christ’s words, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

Monday, November 19, 2007

Every Day is Thanksgiving

This morning I spent a good portion of the morning going over my lists in preparation for Thanksgiving. There’s the list of menu items for the big day, then a list of groceries and a list of meals for the rest of the week while the family is in town. Phew! There’s a lot of food to think about in this next week. But it saddens my heart that I spend so much time worrying about the food, when I wish I spent more time reflecting on the areas of life for which I am grateful. Not don’t get me wrong, I do recognize the importance of preparing memorable meals and the fellowship which takes place over those meals. I just don’t want to overlook the beauty of Thanksgiving. Truly I am grateful for much. I am grateful for the people in my life; my family and friends. I am grateful for the people the Lord allows me to encounter each day. I am grateful for my work and the opportunities God brings into my life to serve and to grow. Most importantly I am thankful for something that can never be taken away from me and that is the fact that Christ died for me. I am grateful that through faith He allows us to be a part of His family. I am thankful He has given us His Spirit to live inside of us and help us walk in His ways. For the last several years I’ve begun taking time each morning to thank God for these very things. Honestly a smile comes to my face every time I reflect on the goodness of the Lord and all He has done for us. It is a great way to start off everyday. As I write this to blog, I have grown to recognize that every day is Thanksgiving Day if we allow it to be. Let’s each commit to starting each day thanking the Lord for all He has done and will do in our lives. Yes the food is important, but what’s even more important is to have a grateful spirit not just on this Thursday, but all year long.

Psalm 118:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.

Family Conversation Starter: How have you seen God work in your life this week? Have you thanked Him for it?

Family Fun: Allow your kids to choose one of their favorite recipes for Thanksgiving and bring them into the process of helping you prepare or cook. Even little ones can pour or stir. Encourage the kids to help in setting the table. Place five kernels of corn at every place setting as a reminder of the first Thanksgiving where they placed several kernels of corn to never forget the previous winter’s rations and how God brought them through the difficult times.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Super Stress or Perfect Peace

Are you feeling a little twinge of stress rise up in you as you see the Christmas decorations going up? I am decorating for the big Thanksgiving meal coming up, and I already feel a season behind. My mind is now beginning to race with thoughts of, “Oh my, I need to get organized. I don’t have my Christmas cards addressed yet. I haven’t bought and wrapped all the out-of-town gifts. What am I going to get the kids this year?” I can feel the tension rising in my arms, flowing to my neck and camping out in my shoulders. Christmas is still a month and a half away, but I already feel like I’m playing catch up! By God’s grace, last night I read Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you.” So I turned my thoughts toward Him. I turned my fears, anxieties and concerns to God. I asked Him to give me strength and wisdom and peace. My friends, I want you to know there was a great calm that came over me as I took my eyes off of the overwhelming circumstances and put them on the God who loves me. Looking to Him keeps things in perspective. I can hear Him saying, “Stay focused on me.” As I do, I realize what is necessary and what is fluff. I begin to see that a joy-filled heart is more important than a perfect place-setting. I begin to see the value of love He can pour through me to the people around me. And isn’t that the most important gift we can give? So as you begin to feel the need to fret, turn your eyes upward and ask for His peace. Let’s place our responsibilities at His feet and walk hand and hand with Him as we step into the Holiday season.

Family Conversation Starter: As we begin to look toward the wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, what would you say you are most grateful for in your life right now?

Family Fun Activity: Set aside time to go on a Fall hike. Gather some colorful leaves as you go and talk together about God’s beautiful creation. When you return home make placemats with the leaves. Glue several (not too dry) leaves onto an large piece of construction paper. Place a piece of clear contact paper over the top to create a smooth, plastic surface or take them to the local copy center and have them laminated.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Don’t you love it when God surprises you and shows his power in unexpected places? This past weekend we vacationed in Destin, Florida for a refreshing and relaxing get-away. As my husband and I sat around the hotel hot tub, two people approached the tub and asked if they could join us. “Sure!” was our response. We always love chatting with other friendly travelers. This precious pair was actually a man with his adult daughter. As my husband chatted with the dad, I talked with the young lady. I soon found out that her mother (his wife) had just passed away less than two months ago from cancer and they were still working through the grief. I shared my heart felt sympathy as I too knew the pain of losing my mother at an early age. As we visited about her life I discovered she was a committed believer, a former English teacher and an avid writer. She hoped to be published one day but didn’t have an idea about how to proceed. It immediately became evident God had placed us together at the hot tub that day so I could share with her the initial steps to getting an article or book published. It was a sign of hope for her and a touch of God’s beautiful loving hand on her life. It was a thrill and blessing to be a small part of what God is doing in her life. I look forward to keeping up with her and seeing the fruit of what was planted through our conversation. There is great joy in being a part of God’s work and being a blessing to others. Let’s continue to seek His direction and be open to the opportunities and surprises He brings along our path.

Family Conversation Starter: The word “serendipity” means unexpected pleasure. When is the last time you experienced a serendipity in your life?

Family Fun: As we enter the month of November, I think about celebrating Thanksgiving and reflecting on the blessings God has brought into our lives. Create a Thanksgiving Poster by decorating an orange poster board with colorful leaves. Write at the top of the board, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is Good. His love endures forever.” Ask family members write what they are thankful for on the board throughout the month.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Blunders to Blessings

Last week was a comedy of errors. Well maybe it could be better described as simply a week full of personal mistakes. From forgotten responsibilities to missed appointments to getting birthday cards in the mail too late; I would rather not relive last week’s messes. As I lay in bed last night I began reviewing all my short-comings (not a good idea) and finally came to the point of crying out to God (good idea) and asking for His help. I began by confessing my own selfishness. Yes, I admit to you that my own self-centeredness did play a part in some of the disasters of the week. Then I asked for God’s guidance in redeeming several of the situations. Finally I sought God’s help in opening my eyes to areas I need to change as well as alerting me of things I need to remember. I’m so thankful we have a redeeming God who understands our humanity and loves us anyway. Psalm 103 reminds us, “The Lord is merciful and gracious; he is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love.” The Psalmist also said, “The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust…But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him.” My sweet friend, I have a feeling I’m not the only one who has blunder-filled weeks. Aren’t you grateful we have a redeeming God who has mercy on us, and can turn our blunders into blessings? Thanks be to God for His mercy and grace toward us! Let us go to Him for wisdom and strength.

Wonderful Lord, thank you for your mercy and grace. Give us wisdom as we seek to glorify you. Grant us strength to do what you have called us to do. Alert us to areas or responsibilities we tend to forget. Redeem our mistakes and help us to learn from them.
We love you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Limitless Love

Have you ever taken in the night sky with wonder and awe and considered how small you are in comparison? It’s overwhelming to think about a vast universe, ever expanding and seemingly limitless. Yet, as small as you and I may feel, there is an eternal God who loves us with a limitless love. Just as it is impossible to grasp the size of the universe, so it is impossible to fathom the height and the depth of God’s redeeming love. Oh we try to get a picture of it, and we begin to relate God’s love to the love we feel from our parents or our spouse or a companion. My friend, God’s love is boundless! It is abundantly more than what we can imagine in human terms. God’s love is satisfying and pure. How do I know? The Bible reveals His compassion, mercy and loving kindness toward us. It reminds us that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. The apostle Paul said there is nothing that can separate us from Christ’s love. Just as an astrologist uses a telescope to learn more about the universe, so the Bible allows us to learn more about God’s love for us. Take some time to read His love letters to you today and know that you are sincerely loved by the God who created you.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are! I John 3:1

Family Fun Time: Using black poster board, create a simple telescope. Cut two rectangles and roll them into tubes, one tube slightly bigger than the other. Secure with tape. Now slide one tube inside the other, allowing you to move them back and forth to help you focus. Use the lens from an inexpensive, little magnifying glass (Dollar store!) to tape to the end of the tube. Now you have a very basic and simple telescope. Go outside and look at the stars. Talk about the vastness of the universe. Read Ephesians 3:17 – 19 and talk about the limitless love God has for each us.

Conversation Starter: How does the knowledge of God’s boundless love begin to transform your life?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Comfort Zone

How comfortable do you feel in you job of being a mom? For me personally, I don’t think I have ever felt completely comfortable. I’m always being stretched, learning patience and finding better ways to handle the multitude of situations that arise on a daily basis. If we ever did grow comfortable as a mom it may mean that we have stopped growing and learning. If it were possible to get to the point where we think we know it all and have this “mother thing” figured out, we may grow to be prideful or lazy. Discomfort has its advantages. Not only can we grow and develop as a mom when we are uncomfortable, but we also are driven to look to God for our strength and help. The apostle Paul struggled with a thorn in his flesh. The Bible doesn’t tell us what that thorn was, but I suppose we could call this a discomfort of some sort. He asked God to remove the thorn three times. Here’s how God responded, “My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness.” Paul went on to say, “So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me. Since I know it is all for Christ’s good. I am quite content with my weaknesses…for when I am weak, then I am strong.” What implication does this have for us as moms? We all feel weak at times in our daily job. We may feel weak physically and emotionally. We may feel as though we lack wisdom and the ability to use wise discipline. Remember God is able to be your strength in your weakness. Look to Him in the midst of your discomfort and ask Him for His Help.

Oh wise and loving Father, thank you for the discomforts you allow in our lives as moms. We don’t have all that it takes to be the mom we want to be, but you are sufficient. You offer us your strength and help. We look to you and we glory in you. Thank you that we are not comfortable, for if we were we may forget you and become prideful and lazy. Our daily struggles remind us of our need for you. Thank you Lord for always being there. I call on you to help me today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Conversation Starter: Where do you feel uncomfortable in your life right now? Talk with you kids about the importance of taking not just our needs, but our weaknesses to God, asking Him to be their strength.

Monday, October 8, 2007

He is With You

Yesterday my husband and I went to a reception for a friend who is leaving today to serve our country in Afghanistan. He was recently called into duty as an officer in the naval reserves, leaving for at least six months and possibly a year. We were honored to be a part of his send-off and to be a participant in praying for him while he is gone. Our friend Bob's call to duty is a reminder that we don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. Each of us can look to God for our help. Psalm 34 gives us strength and comfort, "I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant their faces will never be covered in shame. This poor man called and the Lord heard him and delivered him from all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and he delivers him. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Isn't that beautiful? God wants us to look to Him, to find our refuge in Him and to call on Him. He invites us to taste and see that He is good. Bob is stepping out in courage, with his faith in a God who loves him. We may not be going to Afghanistan, but we can turn our eyes to the Lord and take refuge in Him no matter what life brings. My friends let's look to Him who loves us and call upon Him to be our refuge and strength in every circumstance.

Conversation Starter: Is there a time when you have had to step out in faith and in a very real way look to God as your refuge?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Love is Patient

Today I heard an inspiring message from the authors of a powerful new book entitled Same Kind of Different as Me. If you haven't yet read it, I would encourage you to pick it up at your local bookstore. The book is true story of two men's journeys and how their lives came together through God's providence. I won't tell you more because you must read it for yourself! One of the authors, Denver Moore (a former homeless man), shared a tremendous bit of wisdom which we all need to hear, "Love people for who they are, not for who you want them to be."

We must see the treasure in each person. We must lift them up through our love played out in our words and actions. Our friends and family members will rise to greater heights if we love them as they are and not as what we are trying to make them become. The Bible tells us that "Love is Patient." Don't you want people to be patient with you? I know I do! Aren't you thankful God is patient with us? I know I am continually thankful for His enduring and patient love! So let us offer that patience to others. As we love them completely and encourage them sincerely we will see them rise to a new level of confidence. My heart's desire is for each of us to seek his power to love those around us each day. I'm not very patient in my own strength, but God is my strength. He can give me what I need to love those around me.
Keep shining His Patient Love on others.

Family Tip: Create some one on one time with each of your family members this week. Look them in the eyes and really listen to what they have to say. Ask them questions about their day and find out what made them happy or sad. Care about their life and speak words of love to them, re-assuring them you love them as they are.

Conversation Starter: What makes you feel most sincerely loved? How does it help you to know that God loves you with an abundant, patient and forgiving love?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Inspiration for Moms

A Shield Around Me

As a mom, I’m guessing there are times you would love to hear a kind word and receive a boost of encouragement. You certainly deserve it. Your job may be thankless, but it is valuable. Your role as a mom is hugely significant in this world as you are investing in the next generation. You may feel worn and torn at times, but you are not forgotten. God sees you. He is with you. He loves you and hears your cry for help. The Psalmist’s words can speak to us, “But you, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory and the one who lifts my head high. I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain.” Psalm 3:3,4
How marvelous to know that our loving Heavenly Father, cares for us, guards us and hears our prayers. The world may not be applauding us daily. There are no award ceremonies for moms, but Psalm 3 reminds us the God is the one who lifts our head high. Dear precious mom, I want you to know how much you are loved and cared for by Him. Reflect on His love and care for you today.

Family Tip
Need a few quick, fun yet quiet activities for the kids? Go to your sock drawer and pull out the socks that have no mates. Oh yes we all have them! Use the socks to make hand puppets. For lighter socks you can use markers, and for darker socks you can glue or pin construction paper of felt eyes and ears. If you have any small pom pom balls left over from a project, they make a great nose. Let each child create their own puppet if you have enough socks (at my house we always have plenty of mate-less socks hanging around). Name the puppets and create a story or a little puppet show with your newly made friends.

You can also use the socks to create a soft wobble for older kids. Put one or two socks inside a long athletic sock. Tie a not around the ball and now you have a ball with a tail. You can play toss back and forth outside by throwing and catching only by the tail. You can also try your hand at tossing them into a basket or a coffee can. Enjoy a little healthy sock competition!

Conversation Starter
In what ways have you seen evidence of God at work in your life this week?

Monday, September 17, 2007

He Holds you by the Hand

Positive Moms Devotional:
Remember when your precious little one was learning to walk? Perhaps some of you are looking forward to that day. First the young pre-walker begins to pull up on a couch or side table. Then as he begins to get his footing he looks out and begins to try to take those first few baby steps. There you are with arms open wide ready to help him. Now dear mom, I want you to picture God with His arms open wide ready to help you and cheer you on. He loves you with an everlasting love. Often we think of God up in Heaven with his arms crossed looking down at us and shaking his head. That’s not the picture God gives us in the Bible. No, quite the contrary. He knows all about us. He remembers we are dust, and yet He lovingly reaches out to help us with an Amazing Grace. Relish His love for you. He cares for you and wants to hold your hand as you stumble through this most challenging job of motherhood. Don’t try to do it on your own. Place your hands in His. Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. Psalm 37:23, 24 says, “The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Thought they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” May you feel His arms of love embracing you and holding you as you walk through this week. I’m so glad you joined me this morning. Here is my prayer for you this week: Dear Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father, thank you that you hold us by your hand. Thank you that you love us and help us through this job of parenting. It is wonderful to know that we are not alone. We look to you this day and cast our cares upon you. Please Lord grant each mother reading this blog today strength, joy and patience. Praise you because You are the giver of all good things. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Parenting Tip: Look for ways to help your child take one more step in a positive direction, whether it is literally walking or perhaps learning a new skill or even growing spiritually. This week remember that your kids are young and learning. Have patience as our Heavenly Father has patience toward us. Ask God to give you insight in how to help your child learn one step at a time and ask Him for patience along the way.

Conversation Starter: If you could learn a new skill (riding a bike, painting, playing the piano, learning a new language, etc) what skill would you choose? What would be the first step in learning that skill? Who would you choose to help you or teach you?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Positive Moms

Positive Moms Blog was created to be a cup of cool water for moms. It is filled with sincere encouragement, and practical tips to help everymom be a positive influence in her home. I'm Karol Ladd (author of The Power of a Positive Mom ), and it is my desire to offer you words of inspiration and helpful hints to assist you in being the positive mom you want to be in your home. Join me as we journey through motherhood together. I look forward to visiting with you every Monday as we enjoy a little Monday Morning Motivation to get you started for the week. We all need a boost of encouragement from a friend and fellow mom. I hope I can be that for you through this journal.