Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Books, Glorious Books!

“A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.” Tupper

Never underestimate the power of a book to inspire and encourage a young reader. Books help us develop our imagination and create new ideas. Biographies and stories of great heroes, strengthen our own courage. We can learn how to do things, go places and accomplish new skills all through the blessing of books. This week’s theme of “Books Glorious Books” offers innovative indoor fun while encouraging a love for reading. Use this week as an opportunity to talk about how we must be discerning and wise in what we read and put into our minds. Not every book is a good book. Let us lead our kids to discover the joy of reading and the beauty of gaining wisdom and knowledge through good literature.

Activities: Create and act out dramas from your favorite books, dress up like different storybook characters each day, go to the library, visit a bookstore, visit a printer/binder and ask for a brief tour, study the life of a great author, research to see if there are any authors in your area, interview grandparents about their favorite books when they were growing up. Most importantly read, read, read.

Books: Allow the kids to choose their favorite books this week whether at the library or a book store. I would suggest a trip to a discount or half-price bookstore. Give each child a certain amount to spend (or allow them to earn it through chores) and give them the opportunity to purchase their own favorite book(s) to cherish and keep.

Craft: Encourage each of your children to write and create their own book. Provide blank paper and markers. Each day add a little bit more to the story. Allow younger ones to draw while you help them write the words. At the end of the week bind the story together and have a reading hour for each child to share their story.

Devotional: This week center on the Best Book Ever Written – the Bible.
Mon – Psalm 119:105 – God’s word is a lamp to our feet, a light for our path.
Tues – Isaiah 40:8 – The word of God will stand for ever.
Wed – Joshua 1:8 – Meditate on the Bible continually
Thurs – 2Timothy 3:16 – the Bible is important for teaching us how to live.
Fri – 2Peter 1:20,21 – The Bible is the inspired word of God.

“The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. It is all pure, all sincere; nothing too much; nothing wanting.” Locke

Be sure to check out my Thrive blog about my trip to Joni and Friends.

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