Monday, December 31, 2007

Goals are great in 2008

Every year on New Year’s day I set aside a little quiet time to reflect on the coming year. Prayerfully I set goals in four major areas of my life; spiritual, physical, mental, and social. When I was a child, my dad encouraged us to write out our goals every year. This became a habit in my life - a very good one. It helps me regroup, think ahead and make positive plans for the future. Okay, so I don’t keep up with every one of my goals, but it sets me off on the right foot as I begin the year.
Goals need to be conceivable and believable (dad taught us that too). No pie in the sky stuff, but realistic expectations of what you want to strive for in the coming year. Our goals should not be dependant on other people’s actions. These are personal goals. For instance, instead of setting a goal that you will have little Susie potty trained by May, make it your goal to implement a daily potty training plan for the Spring, the result is up to Susie. Another goal for yourself may be to read one book per month (or per quarter, well maybe per year depending on how busy your life is right now – remember be realistic). A spiritual goal may be to read the Bible everyday and spend time in prayer daily keeping a prayer journal. A social goal may be to join a mom’s group like MOPS or Hearts for Home or plan to meet one friend for lunch each week. Physical goals (sorry, I hate to think about this especially after the holidays) may include a desired weight or a weekly work out routine.
This year I’m trying something new. I’m going to review my goals at the beginning of each week, just to remind myself what I set out to accomplish and revisit how I am doing. It is a good idea to not only review your goals, but also have an accountability partner to encourage you through out the year. It may be your spouse or a good friend, but find someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your goals and asking for support. Finally, our most important goal is to honor God with our lives and draw close to him. Micah 6:8 gives us a tremendous spiritual goal for the year. It says, “The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Let’s make the year great in 2008, as we walk humbly with our God!

Family fun: Call a family meeting and talk about goals. Encourage each child to set goals in the four main areas of their life: spiritual, physical, social and mental. Provide a place for the kids to record their goals, whether it is a journal or a poster board or colorful paper. Type out Philippians 3:13, 14 and give to each of your family members to put with their goals. Pray together as a family for God’s blessing on the New Year.

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