Monday, August 31, 2009

Never Ending Classroom

Possibly one of the most positive words in the English language is “Learn.” Yes, if we are to grow and mature we must be continual students of life. We learn from our mistakes, our challenges and our life experiences. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by discouraging situations, we can turn them around by saying to ourselves, “How can I learn and grow and become a better person because of this?”

As the kids head back to school in the month of September, let’s remember that we never stop going to school. Every day brings its own set of lessons. We learn about people, we learn to be flexible, we learn a new skill, we learn to be patient, we learn new ways to be thankful. Observe, listen, grow. A teachable spirit is a great asset.

The Psalmist said, “Teach me how to live, O Lord. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me.” Our greatest teacher is the Lord himself as we look to Him to lead us and guide us each day.

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