Monday, September 7, 2009

It's all about Choices

“Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional.” Barbara Johnson.
Life is tough, but we do have choices. We have a choice about our attitude. We have a choice to make positive changes and do things differently. We have a choice to trust God and believe he will give us strength. We also have the choice to despair and wallow in self-pity or fear.
What are you choosing to hold onto right now in your life? Are you holding onto the right to grumble and complain because things aren’t going well? Decide today to release that right to rehearse your hurts and instead begin to pray and thank God for the glimpse of hope.
Are you choosing to only see the faults in someone around you? Decide today to stop dwelling on his or her bad qualities and instead look for a treasure or blessing that person brings to this world. And yes they do bring something.

Are you angry right now at a person or at God? Choose to forgive and let it go. Choose to move on and stop replaying past hurts. Choose to be happy once again, instead of bitter and miserable.

Now I’m not saying these choices are easy. In fact they are not at all easy, yet we have a God who loves us and wants to help us make wise choices. Do you lack strength and the ability to make wise choices? Pour your heart out to God and seek His help. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

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