Monday, November 30, 2009

How many days 'til Christmas?

Thanksgiving is over (hope you had a good one) and now we are in an all out sprint toward Christmas. Do you have your shopping done? Are your Christmas cards finished? Surely you have your decorations up by now! As moms, there is never a shortage of activities for the holidays.

For our kids there's just one thing on their minds, “How many more days until Christmas gets here?” All the while we are thinking in our minds, "How many more days do I have to accomplish all I need to do before Christmas arrives?" Honestly it is a simple and precious thing to see our kid’s hearts and minds centered on one thing – the big day! Often I wish I had that same type of simple anticipation, hope and fervor toward the Lord himself and knowing Him more fully.

It is tempting to brush aside spiritual growth during this time of the year, yet seeking the Lord in the quiet place may be just what we need to calm our anxious thoughts and our overwhelmed minds. His word can help us focus on the bigger picture and the beauty of the hope we have in Him. Looking to Him for direction for our day can bring order to our normally chaotic schedule.
Casting our cares on Him can help us realize we are not alone in our struggles.

This past Sunday we celebrated the first week of Advent as we anticipate and look forward to Christmas day. We lit the candle of hope, signifying Christ as the hope of the world. May we find our hope in Christ as we look to Him throughout this holiday season. He lovingly welcomes you with arms open wide. Enjoy His warm embrace.

“You are my portion, O Lord;
I have promised to obey your words.
I have sought your face with all my heart;
Be gracious to me according to your promise.” Psalm 119:57,58

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