Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcoming in 2010

Ugh! Putting away Christmas decorations isn’t my favorite thing to do, but in a way it feels good to have the house back to normal. I hope you enjoyed the Holidays and that you are off to a good year with your kids. As we look forward to a fresh start in 2010 let’s determine to take positive steps forward in personal growth. Please don’t forge ahead on your own. Ask the Lord to guide you as you pursue His leadership in your life. Reach out toward potential new friendships and strengthen you r current relationships.

This year I realize that I need to work on discipline in several areas. Personally, I need to be more disciplined in getting up right when the alarm goes off in the early morning hours. I need to be more disciplined in eating less at meal times, and I need to be eating healthy foods. I also need to be more disciplined in the area of returning phone calls and emails. Most importantly I want to be disciplined in pursuing Christ and knowing Him more deeply and intimately.

God’s word always gives me strength and encouragement in this direction as I read Paul’s words about pursuing Christ in his own life. In Philippians 3:12 – 14, Paul says:
“ I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

I like how Paul talks about forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. The new year is a good time to do that. We need to forget things in the past such as past mistakes, sins or hurts. We need to drop those reoccurring negative thoughts rather than continue to replay them in our minds. We also need to be careful of resting on our past successes or accomplishments and becoming comfortable or complacent in where we are. Paul said he strained toward what was ahead. He pressed on toward knowing Christ and becoming more like Him.

May I encourage you as this new year unfolds to press on toward passionately pursing Christ. Just as Paul strained toward what is ahead in becoming more Christlike, we can do the same. It’s an active pursuit. This December I bought a pair of Snoozies. They are soft comfy slippers to wear around the house. They are good if I am doing nothing all day, but if I am going for a walk or going anywhere – the Snoozies won’t work. I need my running shoes.

Spiritually speaking, don’t wear your Snoozies and rest in your walk with Christ. Put on your running shoes and actively pursue a deeper relationship with Him. He welcomes you into his loving embrace. Actively pursuit Christ by reading His Word and doing what is says. Spend time with Him in prayer seeking His help and guidance. Consider going the extra mile and memorize a passage from the Bible. I know it will be an exciting journey and a great year as you actively pursuit Him.

Choose to memorize a passage of scripture together as a family. The passage I mentioned earlier is a great on to start. Or consider Philippians 4:6 -8, Psalm 121, or portions of Psalm 34. I recommend my friend Caroline Boykin’s book The Well-Versed Family to give you creative ways to memorize scripture with your family. You can find it on Amazon.

I hope you are off to a great 2010. Are you ready to win in 2010? Consider joining me at the Ready to Win Conference with Thelma Wells on Monday, Jan 18 in Grapevine. For more info go to


Sara K. said...

This year I'm finding it kind of hard getting back into the swing of things after the holidays (homeschooling my 4-yr-old son, while herding my 2-yr-old son) --- add to that a headache (probably withdrawals from all the decadent food I ate over the last 2 weeks!) --- and I find myself feeling emotional. I asked God for some encouragement --- and He led me back to your blog!

As soon as I started reading Paul's words in Philippians --- "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal..." --- my eyes got teary, and I felt God ministering to my heart.

Thank you for blogging today!!

Carrie Cooper said...

Carrie @

I love your encouragement to "passionately" pursue Christ. Too often life interferes with any passionate relationship, most of all, one with our Lord. Your post is a great call to strengthen our walk with Christ.